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How do I refill or order new prescriptions?

New prescriptions and refills are ordered by the nursing staff at your facility, or directly from the prescribing physician. If you're concerned about the remaining quantity of a medication you take, or when a new medication is going to arrive, please first consult with the clinical staff at your facility. It's likely that what you're looking for is already on its way to you.

I used to be a resident at a facility serviced by Medical Park, but have since returned home. Can I still get my medication from Medical Park?

Unfortunately, Medical Park is not a retail pharmacy and can only fill prescriptions for current residents of facilities we service. We appreciate your business while you resided at our facility, and hope you will choose our services again should you return.

How do Medical Park's billing cycles work?

Charges are posted and sent out on the first of each month for any prescriptions delivered during the previous month. Due to this retroactive model, you will only ever be billed for what was actually received by your facility.

I want to drop off my payment, but I can't find Medical Park. Where are you located?

We appreciate your effort to submit your payment. Since Medical Park does not operate in the retail realm, we are a closed door pharmacy in an undisclosed location to ensure the utmost security of our staff. Please feel free to mail your payment to the P.O. box on our contact page or submit a payment electronically. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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